SAÄžLAMTEK provides jammer-protection for GPS data in highly jammed environments.
• The shield (SAJ) can be integrated on any pre-purchased CRPA antenna or FRPA & other regular GNSS antenna. Flight test results have shown that when our SAJ product is used on a drone, the drone can approach a jammer up to 20-30 meters. When SAJ is not used, this distance is 500-600 meters min.
• BORAJ is a very powerful anti-jam system employing a GNSS antenna, anti-jam receiver and SAJ. BORAJ provides a very effective and cost-effective solution against jamming.
Our products not only provide protection against jammers but also offer the following benefits:
• In land vehicles, especially trains, armored personnel carriers, unmanned ground vehicles SAJ & BORAJ ensures continuous GNSS reception in areas with poor GNSS signals (such as in trench environments with signal scattering and multipath fading).
• Particularly in marine environments, signals reflected from the sea make it challenging for maritime vehicles to determine their GPS location. SAJ & BORAJ prevent interference from signals reflected from the sea, allowing maritime platforms to consistently receive accurate location data.
The targeted customer companies for our products are:
• Aircraft/ Helicopter Manufacturers
• Drone/UAV Manufacturers
• Ground Vehicle Manufacturers
• Train Manufacturers
SAJ (SAÄžLAMTEK Anti-Jam Shield)
• Prevents GNSS jamming caused by Jammers and other multipath signals
• Can be integrated around any existing GNSS antenna
• SAJ integrated around a CRPA or a regular GNSS antenna can suppress unwanted signals coming from θ (theta) 90º and higher degrees
BORAJ (SAÄžLAM Anti-Jam System)
• Prevents GNSS jamming caused by Jammers and other multipath signals
SAJ (GNSS Shield) + Anti-Jam Receiver & Antenna
• When used with SAJ, BORAJ provides 40-50 dB suppression of unwanted signals.
Please contact us for more information on our anti-jam products. We can provide datasheets, test results and so on.